Thomas Lane Thomas Lane


Great Entertainment can change your mood. Great Art can change your life!

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It is not whether the glass is half empty or half full. It is the astonishing fact that there is a glass to hold in the first place. 

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Laugh a lot, cry a lot. Disregard the subplots

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Denial is a drug to be taken before and after tragedies to ensure there is no prevention and no learning curve! 

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Assumptions are the assassins of perception


A poet mind stays awake, forever listening to the small talk of eternity. 

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I appear to be composed of 70% water, 30% music. The rest of me seems to be made up of cosmic jokes with punch lines I don’t understand.

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You can always walk and talk with your Angels. But with your Demons, you need to stand very still…be simple and direct…willing to walk away without ever looking back. 

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I feel truly myself and most aligned with the world when I bear witness to the beauty in another.

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