A Poem for Graceful Endings

May I live a life informed by curiosity & courage, crafted by honest choices…held accountable by the heart’s inner compass that directs us towards authenticity. 

May I choose a path that demands maturation - challenged  by soaring insights and humbling falls, wise enough to be grateful for both.

May I stand my ground amidst a consensus that would trample the sanctity of life. Taking time to listen and care, but also push back firmly when required –– elevating quality above quantity, truth above convenience. Love beyond all else.

May I be layered in perspective –– to witness the immediate need folded inside the big picture, the big picture articulated in the small event…employing both passion and restrain to do meaningful work. 

And may I live as long as I still have life to give - until my presence has found it’s appropriate articulation or appropriate silence…and I am nothing more than active prayer.

And, when my time has come, when the line I began at birth intersects with that which I draw at death…and the circle is complete, may I leave this earth Gracefully… and step knowingly into the mystery.


Compassion for Today