Coins of My Universe
When the communication runs safe and deep…something priceless become available : the essential mystery, beauty and wisdom that all souls embody…
On Being Male
Despite outward appearances, I have lived a life of opaque poetry,
spoken in the quiet drawl of someone who preferred solitude…
It’s no new news - the spaces between us are crowded with walls of mistrust and need for protection…
The function of the imagination is to visualize/create new destinations for thought, awareness and expansion…
Know Thy Process
As many have said, “Know Thyself” is ground zero for all emotional and spiritual quests…
The Pilgrimage
If I were a pilgrim, I would start my journey with the commitment to stop every time I heard the heartbeat of the Universe…
The March on Washington
There was a singular event that happened in my early teens when this experience occurred and became a North Star for my life…
The Fullness of Empty
Over the first 20 years I watched the poem billow into a tome of a million words…
A Call to Purpose
We live in a threshold moment –– a time when the long arc of consequence
has finally arrived…
A Poem for Graceful Endings
May I live a life informed by curiosity & courage, crafted by honest choices…